
Dick Gaughan – Workers’ Song Lyrics


Stressed the employer may think I’m trying to trick them with a reference from my brother.

When I spoke to her she said “we need one personal reference, two work references.” So of course my dumbass thought my brother would be fine for the first one. I’m not sure what I was thinking. She called me and said she didn’t want a personal reference. I’m thinking wait, what? You said you did. She said “I think I was very clear about what I wanted, is the other one your coworker?” I said yes and she then emailed the coworker, who is most likely going to ghost her because she just decided to be a reference for my licence renewal and then when I asked if she sent it in, she ghosted me.


How many more times are we going to do this before you demand change?

Silicon Valley Bank, Management Team: ⁠CEO: Director at San Francisco Fed ⁠CFO: Former analyst at Freddie Mac ⁠Chief Admin Officer: Former CFO of Lehman Brothers ⁠Chief Risk Officer: Led credit ratings in 2007 ⁠Chief Legal Officer: General Counsel at Citibank in 2008 Before the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, executives sold a lot of their shares. Gregory Becker, CEO, sold 11% on Feb 27, 2023. Michael Zucker, General Counsel, 19% on Feb 5. Daniel Beck, CFO, sold 32% on Feb 27. Michelle Draper, CMO, sold 25% on Feb 1.


Congratulations! This subreddit is now 14+.


There will be riots today…good!



I am a sophomore in one of India's best private engineering schools. Most of us will end up either in tech, finance, management consulting, etc. i.e. we are creme de la creme of capitalism. I can already see the kind of behaviour this subreddit shits on (rightfully so) by my peers here. The attributes of a bad boss are already being instilled in these people through the culture of clubs on campus. It's insane. Working with or under people like them just shows me a mirror of my future and it frankly scares me. But also helps me develop my own voice, resilience and the ability to say “no I'm not gonna do that”.


Have y’all ever heard someone mention this subreddit irl?

And if so do you tell them you are a subscriber?


A Life of Labor I Wish Ended with My Generation

I have always gotten the impression I am an older member of this community. At 40, I share many more similarities with Boomers than Zoomers, and have an above average lifestyle than many in the sub, despite living in California. So, why does someone like me post here? The recent news about child labor laws being relaxed is the best example of why I am here. See, despite being 40 years old, if you were to take my total lifetime hours working and divide it by 2080 to represent one year of full-time work, I have 49.2 years of work experience. Why? I grew up on a dairy and was conscripted to chores starting at the age of five that ran 3 hours before school and 5 hours every night after. In the summer, we also harvested feed crops that often put me to twelve hour days. The result of…


Can we all be taken over by the FDIC?


Tech Bros about to discover the economy stacked against them too