Author: Olivia
Boss didn’t want to give me a commission
I recently resigned from my independent contractor job due to a lot of things. First being I was supposed to be an employee and secondly after believing I was supposed to get commission, my boss said that I was supposed to bring brand deals to them. In the contract it states “we’re offering you commission on various brand deals brough to (name)”. Me thinking as in any brand deals that were brought to them.
I have been unemployed for quite a while now and it is honestly the best I have felt in a long while outside of societal pressure to work that is. I used to work full time and I didnt hate my work or workplace and I got along well enough with my co-workers. My main issue is that work just takes up your entire existance. I would just get up early in the morning feeling tired regardless of if I slept well or not, eat breakfast half asleep, drive to work and change clothes and all that jazz, go through my day and when I get home I'd be too tired to do anything I enjoy so I'd just go to bed and either wake up in the evening/night feeling anxious about soon having to be at work again or just straight up sleep until the next work day. Any…
Work as a cashier/customer service (mostly to get away from cashiering). Recently they stopped putting someone on the clock to be the leader. This means from 8-9am (sometimes 10am) we have no one to tell us what to do. Pretty nice overall. However, I found out yesterday this was because my boss thought I would “step up”. I had to laugh and tell her she doesn't pay me to be the leader. It may have been a bit too harsh to laugh in her face, but it honestly reminded me soo much with what this reddit talks about. Thought you guys might get a kick out of it as well. Overall not upset, it's just funny how she thought I would just do it without even asking or telling me about it.