I was talking with my management and the topic of quitting after using vacation time came up. Apparently if I don’t accumulate a full vacation week worth of hours throughout the year and I were to use a single day I would be responsible for paying the company back for the full weeks worth of time if it is not earned if I quit before that. It sounds very illegal but what do I know, I prob singed the contract with it in the fine print when I was 19. Still tho, wtf (Edit) additional context I’m 24 and this is in FL
Author: Olivia
I’m a college student at a local university, so close enough to home where I can still work at my highschool place of work. It’s a pretty popular destination for a lot of out of staters. I was back over the past weekend and was scheduled for a 7 hour shift 13:30-20:30. My assistant manager sent me home at appx 15:00 hours. I’m sorry but what. The customer base was enough to justify keeping me on the payroll. The excuse: “Oh, yeah we are cutting back on labor.” I’m sorry but on our busiest weekend. At this rate I should have gotten a job elsewhere. I spoke to other employees and they said it’s so our GM and CFO can get a bonus. Is this legal? To send employees home when their is a reasonable amount of work to do before the halfway point of their shift? (this is the…
Passed over for promotion
So my boss and I had been talking for the past year about how to move me up. There's no set path and anytime I ask him what's needed to get there he tells me the same thing. “You're already doing what you need to do to get there, I don't see a problem getting Jim on board with this.” I expected the promotion come review time, but as soon as the session started I knew it was a no go. The excuse was that his boss wasn't really sure it was needed and that I shouldn't expect a reward just for going above and beyond. Everything extra that I was doing was taken away, which I guess is fine since I was mistakenly expecting to be rewarded from it. Still, my review was all 5's. I told myself I could just quit and find something better, then I remember…
My job is fine, I just hate working
By most standards I hit the jackpot. I have an interesting job in a field I care about with great coworkers and an awesome manager. Im even getting some good professional development opportunities. But I'm still miserable and I don't know what to do about it. I have depression (on meds and in therapy) and that can't be helping, but I feel like having to go and do a thing at a place for 8 hours a day plus commute is slowly killing me. I don't even think I'd feel better if I was being paid better. I went to an interview today and realized that changing jobs won't make me feel better, probably. Not sure what will, or if I'm doomed to feeling like this until I die in the inevitable climate wars. Is there any way out of feeling this horrible about having to work for a living?…
Doubling down on Stupid
Has anyone else been noticing that the majority of employers have been doubling down on stupid? Here in the US people, fed up with toxic working cultures, low wages, and receding job benefits have been either quiet quitting or leaving their respective industries entirely. Now, this has been going on since around the start of the Pandemic, so it's not exactly some short term movement. But, despite most industries crying, desperate for help, signs in nearly every window and posts all over job sites and craigslist; these employers appear not to have learned a damn thing. Not only are they electing not to get better, they seem clearly intent on getting worse. My (now former employer) has suffered from losing people in droves. Many of these people were in critical positions that are, on their own, already not easy to fill. Exit interviews were all the same. Low wages, low…
Paid $1 less an hour than agreed on….
I started a new position at a new company last Monday. The employment agency offered it to me at $19 an hour which helped me to justify driving over 100 miles a day (to/from), just got my check stub in email and my rate is $19!! I really like the company in the position that I do, however, that extra $40 a week makes a big difference in the gas. I’m just not sure how to handle it because I don’t want to lose the position but I also want to be paid when I was told I would be paid! I’m not sure if this was on purpose or if it was an accident.
Salty about PPP loans
I just recently discovered that PPP loans and their forgiveness status are public record. So I searched my employer. We’re a small company, less than 20 employees, but we turn a good amount of money because of our line of work. I saw that the business received over 1/3 of a million dollars, which was more than 100% forgiven. At the same time we were shorted on raises and bonuses last year. I’m salty about it. I don’t have any recourse except to be mad. Another part of the public record is the number of employees claimed by the employer. If the public record is accurate, they claimed double the amount of employees that we have. Is there some regulatory board I can turn them over to? I’m so pissed about the situation that I’ll happily find a new job if they get fucked with fines.
I’m pretty miffed. Was hired onto a small creative agency for an entry-level position around this time last year. They offered me 50k, and I was over the moon. Seemed more than fair at the time for my minimal career experience. And it then became my mission to prove myself worthy of even more over the year. I have gone far above and beyond all expectations, and have received a ton of glowing verbal feedback from the whole team along the way to confirm it. Took on as much work as I possibly could, went overtime without additional pay some nights to deliver stellar results, actively used spare blocks of time to learn more skills, singlehandedly brought on new services the company wasn’t able to offer before, helped staff weekend client events outside of my job scope…the whole nine yards. I work in a 2-person division (just supervisor & myself)…
Head of HR just handed these out.
This is more of a rant than anything, as I've gone to corperate twice and will probably go back to them again. A little context, I work at a gas station owned by a food store. I've worked there for 2 years, and this will be my 7th year working in retail. Jobs are slim where I'm from, and I'm not physically able to do all of them, however I do this job well and have been told so. Within my first 6 months of working here, I got employee of the month and was offered a promotion to manager. I agreed but the store manager kept putting it off, and putting it off, hiring a few others in my place. I thought nothing of it, it's happened before at previous jobs, and I'd only been there a year. Cut to a few months later and the head of the…