Author: Olivia
It’s sad this has to happen lol
Last week, my trainer asked me if I heard about White Castle being sued for collecting biometric scans without employee consent because we had installed a finger scanner a few months before I started in December. I told her that I hadn’t, but I had questioned the legality because I was aware of the law after collecting a settlement from a similar CA lawsuit against Facebook. After asking my trainer to review my onboarding materials so see if biometrics were mentioned anywhere (they weren’t), I forwarded the article along with the actual text of the Illinois Biometric Act to some corporate-based HR team members as well as our President and VP. Their reply was quick and was a complete blow-off. I followed up and urged them to take a second look as it is very clear that we were not compliant with the law. I received a personal reply from…
I know. It can be hard to hear for some.
40 hours a week is part time.
I won’t be surprised if this subreddit or this topic will be cited as a reason nobody can find work. They will say there’s a growing “movement” and culture of people who don’t want to work and that’s why everyone is unemployed and being replaced by robots. If only people would just put the work in we wouldn’t be getting poorer, it’s obviously not the rich’s fault, just look at this popular subreddit where people complain about having to work.
My family and roommate have both looked at the company and it seems legit. It was sent by a uh… TRC Electronics Inc. has anyone encountered this before?
Billion dollar global corp, has shown zero empathy with allowing me a work life balance in a time like this. Am I overreacting? Just abused that in 2023, I have to fight this battle. On top of that, she wants me to only take a week off (“maybe 2”) once the baby is born. Shit like this is making me lose my sanity (you can imagine my day to day struggles with the job). Currently applying to new jobs.