
Kickbacks from cities are the driving force behind the push to return to office even though this outdated paradigm has been demonstrated to hurt both productivity and quality of life while also doing serious harm to the environment.


I mean, if this were my workplace I’d be out so fast.


Store Manager Called Me Stupid

I want to know if it's worth doing anything about. Probably not, but at the very least I hope y'all agree that this was bullshit. Basically, I work at a thrift store and we have very strict rules about pricing items. Sometimes items on the floor won't have prices on them, and customers will come up with the typical “so is it free?” gag and then ask for an actual price on the item. Our rule for this used to be that we had to take the item to the back and find a manager to put a new sticker on it so we could give it to the customer or put it back on the floor if they no longer wanted it. I did this for every unpriced item. Again, the rules about pricing items are strict and I, as a cashier, am not allowed to change the prices…


Over 2 million people here.

Why don't we get together to build a business where everyone is equal regardless of their roles? Would that be achievable? There are all sorts of people with all sorts of skill sets. One goal everyone get the same salary and the revenue is split equally. Don't jump on me… only saying!


I am doing my first ever negotiation for a job, what do I need to know?

Hello! This place is pretty good at knowing what rights people have (for the most part) while working. I wondered if I could ask advice. I live in Australia. I just got my BBusEc and am in my Econ Hons postgrad right now. I am considered an econometrician as I have statistical background in both my degree and my current post grad thesis. The job I applied for and got is for exactly that. I am expected to make excel analysis and reports for economic interests. I haven't gotten my official offer yet. I made a critical error in my application and asked for 65k because of my new graduate status but I noticed the job field was around 85k for my actual job. However its been THREE interviews and THREE months since the application. This is something I may need to discuss? Although they do know I am currently…


My job is laying off people en mass to replace them with third-world freelancers. Is this legal?

I’m in California. Is there a certain quota of in-state employees that a company has to follow? Or are they allowed to lay off employees to replace their exact positions with workers from other countries (India, Mexico, etc) they’re paying less than minimum wage?


Might quit my job tomorrow

Start a machinist job back in November and that’s been alright till I got moved to the mill department. I can’t get the lead supervisor to answer any of my questions then get yelled at cause I messed something up. Boss is s mega trump supporter and talks shit about Bidin all day. It’s a small shop with 17 employees with 3 supervisors that act more like managers and keep changing everything up trying to make it more organized but it’s like putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound. Screw that place.


The end of times


If you’re worried they’re talking smack, they probably are.


Ex-boss tells me to stop poaching his employees

I left my last job 1 year ago. My new job is wonderful and so is my new boss. Today, I get a text from my old boss to stop trying to poach his employees. I just about fell out of my chair laughing. Funniest part about it is HIS employees actually reached out to me asking if my new job was hiring.