Author: Olivia
Send Your Boss to Hell Sweepstakes
r/ReportRentals Here we help each other and make each other aware of other rentals as well as making fun of them, No one should rent a trap hole
Wondering if anyone has any experience with this in the past. Is it worth the struggle and risk of making a case against a boss who doesn't do their job properly? Should you burn the bridge when you leave? Does it pay off in the end? Or is it simply not worth doing and better to just leave?
To be fair, drastic weather change like this typically gives me a terrible headache, which I do currently have. So, calling in “sick” wasn't a total lie. In most cases in the past though, I typically just power through whatever ailment/illness I have because it's not worth playing 20 questions with my jerk boss. We're a small business and chronically understaffed, so no one is ever “sick” enough for him. Most people come to work sick to avoid getting flack from our boss. To make matters more complicated, our area is supposed to get uncharacteristically bad weather (hurricane level winds, flooding, and high risk for tornadoes) in the coming hours. Bad weather like this makes me incredibly anxious. I'm not afraid of storms, but I don't f*ck around with tornadoes and high winds. Short of an emergency, I prefer to be close to home in rare instances like this, so…