
Am I wrong for not wanting to work?

I (m33) live with severe bipolar disorder with psychotic episodes. I have tried many times throughout my life to hold down a job, worked at places like rite aid and Pizza Hut. I was diagnosed when I was 18 and have received social security disability since then. Throughout my early to mid 20s I would have a severe manic episode that would completely derail my life about one a year or so. I would have grandiose delusions, spend all my money on dumb shit and give away all my belongings, paranoia, and had many run ins with police. I was never violent but I’m a big guy and can be scary when I’m manic I realize this. But after many police beatings and state hospitalizations (talking like 4 or 5) I managed to get somewhat a grip on my bipolar by taking a shot in the butt of my meds…


I had an interview and the interviewer asked me if I had a side hustle. I said no, and he looked kind of surprised. He abruptly stopped the interview and said I’m not what they are looking for. I’m not sure what that was all about, but i feel like I dodged a bullet.


I like Aldi, but this was annoying. Of all the toys they could’ve made, they choose this. What a better toy for our toddler than to condition them from age 4 to be a good little piggie wagie? The conditioning starts young.


I don’t like that billionaires exist. What can I do about it?


TIFU by telling my boss that I made a $1000 tip


New job vs current

Reposting from r/jobs since no one replied. I just want some outside opinions. I feel like I know in my heart what to do, but need validation. Potential new job is same pay ($60k) and less time off than my current position (2 weeks vs. 3 weeks paid). They offer 401k and sick time though. Commute time is cut by about 20 mins. From 55 to 36. I feel like because my current job has 401k + pension I need to stay, but I am unhappy with the amount of work I do for the pay. I have too many sub-jobs I’m expected to do plus now I need to lead my team with no extra pay compensation. I have asked my manager if I’m getting a pay bump since new associate hires are getting paid more ($55k) and he said no. So basically I worked my ass off for…


People need to stop simping for employers

I say this as someone who is basically stuck living at his mother's house because I have mediocre prospects. I'm sick of people telling me, a 28 year old, that I should just stick it out at my current underpaying job at a bank for a 1 year (currently at the 9 month mark) that only pays $40k/year in southern Ontario when said people make a lot more money but pretend to be working class on poverty finance subreddits. Life shouldn't be this way and because I don't have a business degree (I have a BA) I'm limited in my promotion prospects unless I want to work in sales. Rent is constantly going up and I can't afford to keep being ineligible for rent protection. I make less than a bloody first year private in the army now and I'm just told to suck it up. I don't want to…


Did I just get screwed over?

Working as a Sr. Project Manager at a med-tech firm and just had my review after completing a year and I'm not entirely sure what to make of it. The job I interviewed for and joined was L4 level and asked for 15 years experience. I only had 7 years but the hiring manager went ahead with me anyway cos “character > experience”. 6/7 months in, My title randomly changed in some of the systems from Sr. Project Manager to Sr. Program Manager and I asked to clarifythat a while back so they changed it back to Sr. project manager. I was reporting to the VP until 3 months ago until he introduced a layer as all his other reports were Director level. My new boss, a Director, asked me to trust him to take me where I want. And that I just need to be a little patient while…


What are some ways to make money without working?


acting your wage makes sense but also, acting your hours. meaning if you only give me 15 hours a week, I can’t get the same amount of work done and I’m not going to strain myself trying to.