So as the title says. I suffer from a moderate to sever mental disability. The company had my medical documentation on file for a different accommodation since my date of hire. I noticed that this fall I was having some reoccurring issues with my mental health. I asked for a reasonable accommodation in November. It was ignored. I asked again in January and was directed to call a certain department. I called that day and got all the proper medical documentation turned in within 3 days. I asked that day what could be done until it is reviewed. That was ignored. Subsequently a hostile work environment was known about, cultivated, and worsened. My manager refuses to respond to reasonable accommodations. My manager then wrote me up on a final warning for hear say for supposedly telling my supervisor they will need to answer to their judge, (Did not happen, but…
Author: Olivia
I suspect that everything is overpriced by a factor of 2 in order to force people to work more and in order to increase the profits of the rich. A movie ticket 10 Dollars? Sorry but in 1999 it cost 5 Dollars and not much has changed to justify price increases. Perhaps the real price today should be 6 or 7 – the rest is just so that the rich can make extra profit. A gallon of milk 4.20? Sorry but in 2002 it cost 2.72 and not much has changed to justify price increases. Perhaps the real price today should be 3 or 3.5 – the rest is just so that the rich can make extra profit. A house? Sorry but in 2002 the average house price was 150 000 and not much has changed to justify price increases. Perhaps the real price today should be 200 000 or…
Job data is a BS metric
Where to start…ah a “catch22”
What is a patient Mill? A place that overbooks clinicians so they are seeing multiple patients at once. An example: you need physical therapy. You are referred to a PT clinic but find that after the first visit (or perhaps even during) your PT has one or maybe even two other patients they’re treating at the same time as they’re treating you. This is a miserable working environment for the PTs—it’s contributing to healthcare burnout. AND it’s bad for the patients too. It worsens their quality of care. Refuse patient mills