Author: Olivia
basically, got offered another job and the start date is set in stone march 7th. i haven’t put in my resignation at my current job because i had to take a drug test for the new company. i will admit i took some delta 8 edibles a month ago so i didn’t wanna put my resignation in in case my drug test comes back positive. the company will get the results either monday or tuesday, so as soon as they do i’m going to put my resignation in which will probably make my last day be that friday. will the company consider me to be unhireable? i don’t care how this affects my managers because i don’t like them, and this will probably only affect like 3 co workers that i don’t really care about. but it is a very good company and i don’t wanna ruin my chances in…
Why can’t we build our own reputation?
A potential anti work anthem
So as the title shows my boss has been harassing me about claiming that I am at work under the influence of alcohol he says he can smell alcohol over me which cannot be the case because I have not been drinking before any shift that I went into and often times not even a day or two proceeding when I’m working on my daya off. But just a few days ago he comes up behind me and sniffs me like the Biden memes…. he then demands that I breathe directly into his face in front of customers as well as other employees and tells me that I’m messing with him and I must be drinking and claims that he is going to call the emergency medical care center next-door and have me do a breathalyzer. What can I do about this harassment?
The Greek Pizza
I’m sorry for the long post, also English is not my first language, forgive my mistakes. There’s this pizza restaurant in the neighborhood that’s owned by a Greek family of 3 elderly siblings (68m the prep cook, 66f, 60f) very affordable place, has been there for half a century. I (30m) am from out of state and worked there for 8years. After 3 years working there, the place closed for renovations for a couple months during that time I started playing lacrosse and worked at a couple other restaurants; lacrosse it’s a very important part of my life the people i met there saved me from my mental health issues, and my best friends, people i consider family and have been there more in my life than my current family(story for another time), so i dedicate a lot of my time to my friends and my team, I’m even in…
Hello, I work at a restaurant in BC Canada and we are required to keep our phones in the front so we are not on them while we are working. today I was informed that the assistant manager picked up my phone and was reading my personal messages to the other staff. I feel that my privacy has been completely violated. I made a complaint to my Manager and they decided to side with the assistant manager and give them no more than a slap on the wrist. the assistant manager is immature and constantly mocking and making fun of employees but I feel like this has gone too far, is there anything that can be done about this or is it just tough luck?