
My thoughts on the future

Ok so this doesn’t directly relate to work, but it does sometimes. I don’t want to live in a future where people go on strike for the right to be able to afford the ability to live, medical bills, and a world of pollution. I get everyone it switching to EVs and green energy, but I think it’s too late. We have less that 30 years and climate change is irreversible (from what I have read), and unless we wall-e our way into space, why even try?


Why does everyone want to be landlords?

I’m feeling like my fiancé (29M) and I (29F) are part of a minority of people in our circle that don’t want to be multiple property owners. It’s starting to alienate us from our friends. I have a huge issue with entertaining this idea that you can make “passive” income from an individual’s very active income – likely some 30% or so of it. We have friends who are well-off, successful in their careers, and they’re either already buying multi-family properties or licking their chops to start soon. Did something change in recent years that is drawing more people to become landlords or is this part of becoming older/more successful? Even my parents, who are not multiple property owners, are surprised my fiancé and I don’t have a long-term plan to buy up more property. We argued that it was exploitive and were met with disagreement. We had friends who…


When we should adopt the four day work week


My boss takes a share of tips despite BC labor laws saying they’re not allowed to

I live in Canada, BC. I've worked at this job for a few months now, and its my first job where I make tips. I recently learned that my boss expects a share of the tips on the days they work at our location (we have 2 locations). We're a small cafe, so we pool the tips at the end of the day and give them evenly to the employees that worked that day, whether they served customers or prepared food orders, we all share tips. Our boss is only at our location maybe 1-2 times a week, and they will help with a few of the orders but they wont stay the entire day. They expect to receive a portion of the tips earned from the orders they helped complete, despite making thousands a day in profits. BC labor laws specifically say ” An employer cannot withhold tips from…


Subway workers calls boss at work and quits


Has anyone ever been rewarded for loyalty?


I was the head of my department and was directly responsible for getting my crew raises. Is this illegal reasoning to be fired? more details in comments


Pretttttttty sure docking hours is illegal?


Honestly, the fact that memes like this even exist speaks volumes about what is “important” these days.


Job hopping as a customer service rep

I keep seeing that it’s best to job hop in white collar businesses. Is this true for customer service? (I’m only trying to work remote as well)