Author: Olivia
I want to bring up the issue because now I’m feeling to not care to keep family peace because I’m feeling taken advantage of and would like a compensation for all of the money that I should have been given for the work I did in the past. However, at the same time, I agreed to the initial very low pay. So, I understand that maybe I can’t do anything now since my new-experienced/unaware self agreed to the payment. Thoughts? Thank you very much.
I work at a dance studio so my shifts are in the evenings. We’ve had winter storm warnings for tonight in my area and other jobs are even urging their employees to leave work early to beat it. I text my boss asking if we’re still having classes tonight expecting her to cancel them, but she replied saying “classes are still on for tonight. Sorry you’re worried”. All us teachers are actually really close with her as we were friends before she started her own dance studio, so we were expecting her to actually care about us. She had every teacher texting her worried about the weather, yet she refused to cancel classes claiming “we have students and parents counting on us”. It’s fucking dance class, not like it’s something important. She even started to act like an asshole and tried to make us feel shitty for not being willing…
Should I be paid for on-call hours?
I work in a pathology lab in California as a non-exempt, hourly paid employee. It’s very important for our fridges and freezers to maintain certain temperatures so they all have sensors installed and are registered on a 3rd party service’s website. I was recently given the responsibility to respond to alerts and phone calls about these temperature fluctuations and that I’d even have to come in to the office at the drop of a dime to move freezer contents to another freezer should the first one fail or not maintain it’s set temperature. The hours I’m responsible for monitoring this exceed my work week, but I haven’t received additional pay. I want to know if I’m entitled to some sort of compensation or if this is normal.
Congratulations, you don't want to make friends at work. What the hell does that have to do with creating better working conditions for everybody? It's so tiresome to see this introverted preference upvoted to the top of the page. I'm sorry if you hate the thought of getting drinks with your coworkers or going to the holiday party with them. Nobody is going to be your friend without your consent as well. It's a NON EXISTENT problem. Please stop posting about it.
i (26F) started my new job a few weeks ago. the managers have been great, however, i have had to take initiative and figure a lot of things out bc there is no one training me 1on1. i’m an assistant so i send lots of emails and also as a young, black, woman who is new to the corporate world, i want to make sure i am standing up for myself when i need to. my one supreme supervisor is an older white man and usually has an ok temperament. there have been a couple times where he pops out of his office to correct what i’ve said in an email. in this situations he sounds kind of exasperated, yet animated at the same time. it’s a weird energy and it feels kind of rude but i’m not really sure what to make of it yet. today, i sent an…