Author: Olivia
Everywhere is hiring….
No no they are not. We have the lowest unemployment in 50 years. The jobs that are available are toxic A.F. I spent the last year hoping from one toxic place to another before I figured out what I was doing wrong and how to read employee reviews. If they are always hiring they are always firing. If you get fired from some toxic place take that as a complement. I bet you ten two one they have some ego tripping lunatic in some higher position that is making everyone miserable. I had been out of the workforce so long I didn’t realize how to vet potential employers properly. So when I left my other two long term jobs for higher pay I hit a learning curve and learned the hard way. Good lord there is some toxic out of touch managment that needs to retire out there…
Update – found out the council is voting on my boss getting an $80,000 raise. The same vote has all attorneys getting a $40,000 raise. Support staff? Nothing besides giving us less PTO, holidays, no more COLAs, and no more guaranteed pay increases. ———————————————————————————- My office has been working super hard the last 9 months, harder than any neighboring jurisdictions. To thank us, my boss is giving us bonuses for the first time… but changing the way we’re paid. We’re no longer guaranteed step increases in pay or cost of living adjustments. Instead, pay will be determined by our evaluations and performance. We are going to have less paid time off. They’re taking away a week of PTO. He says it’ll be “good for us.” If they cut my hours, they won’t have to cover my health insurance. Today, I prepared an email to my boss and HR. I want…