Author: Olivia
(I am using Canadian data – that's where I live, but this should be true generally) Sometimes you'll see the argument about how we need to raise the retirement age, because when they first came up with “pensions” the average life expectancy was only 69 years. Today, life expectancy in Canada is nearly 80. The logic behind this argument is that pensions used to only have to pay out for 4 years on average, but now have to pay out for 15. Hence the need to raise the retirement age. One part of this argument is technically true – “Average life expectancy at birth” was about 69 years in 1965 when the Canada Pension Plan was invented today it's 79. There's just one problem – THAT LOGIC IS UTTERLY WRONG. Figures about “Life expectancy at birth” are TOTALLY IRRELEVANT to the number of years the average retiree is going to…
I work overnight stocking frozen food, and I recently signed up for a college class after being out of school for a few years. Currently job has me working 6 days and 42 hours. I asked for them to cut me down to 36 hours to accommodate my school schedule but they refused, saying what I do during the day has nothing to do with what I do at night. The only thing they were willing to accommodate was letting me go 2 hours earlier on school days, meaning instead of getting off at 8 I'd get off at 6 so I could catch the bus to my 9:00 class (also have to take care of my dog when I get off) which brings me down to 40 (off one of the two school days)but they could just add 2 hours to another shift. I tried explaining that I needed…
This is essentially what this sub is about. How much to you need to not be a slave to the system? Edited to add: Is it possible? How old are you?
Back when I got hired I pretty much had to drop my previous carrier. Now I have auto and renters through our company. I wasn’t nuts about that. Even though the rates are lower, the claims is mediocre compared to my last company. But…whatever. Well apparently that’s not enough. Now they’re pushing me to get another policy, a personal articles policy, to “get numbers up.” I managed to somehow accidentally not complete the issuing process on it. The system glitched. Made it look like the policy issued but not a dime was paid into it. Of course that won’t last though. Underwriting is cancelling the app for being incomplete. Well my coworker said “you need to go in there, see what happened, and complete the app.” Do I though? I mean, it’s my money. I don’t care how big or small the policy is. You’re telling me where to put…
Firstly I don't want to hear “FInD a NeW Job” please. Also this post could get long so I'm not giving every example and detail. Just trying to get the point across. TLDR: My supervisor and coworkers have been taking credit for the things I'd do at work that the administration likes, and then talk about me like I'm incompetent… I've lost jobs over stuff like this in the past, so it's not like it's anything I haven't seen before, just not sure how to combat this stuff. I need advice on ways to handle this and I couldn't think of anywhere else to go. Kinda stressed so I'm going to rant, here it goes… I've been at my current job since last August. I'm pretty sure I got it because of my military experience and my computer skills. With a few exceptions everyone else that works there is nearly…