
Awakening moment

I have been hating my job so much lately, To the point of short bursts of depression. I go into work from 6:15 am til 3:00 pm Monday through Friday. My Title is Sight supervisor for an in-house staffing agency. I am in charge of up to 150 people daily. Working with a schedule that changes in numbers daily. For example right now the customer we are staffing for is asking for 150 people per day. soon (nobody knows when) that number will drop drastically, causing all the people we got hired on to find another job because we can’t provide work for them. Then we a have to start the whole process over again. All the while being asked why we can’t fill the ask. From the time I get to work till the time I go home I am none stop working, no exaduration I eat my lunch…

I have been hating my job so much lately, To the point of short bursts of depression.
I go into work from 6:15 am til 3:00 pm Monday through Friday. My Title is Sight supervisor for an in-house staffing agency. I am in charge of up to 150 people daily. Working with a schedule that changes in numbers daily. For example right now the customer we are staffing for is asking for 150 people per day. soon (nobody knows when) that number will drop drastically, causing all the people we got hired on to find another job because we can’t provide work for them. Then we a have to start the whole process over again. All the while being asked why we can’t fill the ask.
From the time I get to work till the time I go home I am none stop working, no exaduration I eat my lunch while I am working. Working on daily payroll takes a lot of that time (please clock in and out and at the right time. It helps more than you think) dealing with that many people with that many different personalities is taxing. I pride myself on treating everyone I come in contact with at work equally. I try to find a solution to a persons shortcomings rather than write them off. However I am firm and direct. I have been told several times that I am the best boss people have ever had. The point is I give it my all at work down to the last minute.

When it comes to my compensation, it does not match my work ethic and capabilities of a true leader. “Just get another job” not so easy. I have deep seeded issues with stability and abandonment that keeps me connected to what is familiar. I feel stuck.

I applied to be the manager at my job twice. While playing manager for months between managers. To which I was declined.

I applied to a leadership program with my company. In hopes to get closer to that position. I was excepted.

The first training class started today. They had us do a personality assessment that really opened my eyes.

What I took away from this test is that I am board to death with the same old shit every day. I have hit a wall as far as being a leader goes. Every single thing they mentioned in the class is what I bring to work every day. Which was confirmed with my assessment.

The assessment assesses your true personality and the personality you bring to work. There are four different personalities D,I,S,C. My true personality is equal parts of D and C and 0 parts I and S. The personality I bring to work is equal parts of all D,I,S,and C. This tells me I have maximized my potential as a leader in my roll. I crave something new, and I am now not sure a management roll is the right path as it is similar to my current roll.

I really wish I had the Courage to work for myself. Most corporations don’t really care about you, and if you are great at your job and bring great core values to your position they will tell you how much they “appreciate all you do”, add more work on you and put you at a salary position at 10,000 less than you made last year because you are “working to much overtime” and “not spending enough time with your family”.

Any realistic advice on my rambling would be greatly appreciate.

Any inappropriate, sarcastic, or entertaining comments of any kind are also appreciated.

Updated for typos:

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