
Awful “owner”

I quit my first job due to me doing all the work after coming back from vacation, it was pretty decent nothing to complain. I was jobless for a couple months, then I found a job pretty close by where I live. It was one of my favorite local restaurants that was opening a new location. I met one of the “owners”( wish he calls himself) seemed pretty nice at first. He wasn’t there for the beginning months but suddenly he decided to take over that location. He managed to make one of the workers to quit in the middle of a rush due to him not doing it his way. After that incident I had a bad feeling things were only going to get worse. Couples weeks pass by and I notice that he makes racist comments about Mexicans every now and then which bothered me, since I’m Latino.…

I quit my first job due to me doing all the work after coming back from vacation, it was pretty decent nothing to complain. I was jobless for a couple months, then I found a job pretty close by where I live. It was one of my favorite local restaurants that was opening a new location. I met one of the “owners”( wish he calls himself) seemed pretty nice at first. He wasn’t there for the beginning months but suddenly he decided to take over that location. He managed to make one of the workers to quit in the middle of a rush due to him not doing it his way.
After that incident I had a bad feeling things were only going to get worse. Couples weeks pass by and I notice that he makes racist comments about Mexicans every now and then which bothered me, since I’m Latino. Starts talking about a worker how he never brushes he’s teeth or takes a shower. He states “ all he does is jerk off when he gets home” and does the hand gesture.
I decide to put in my 2 weeks, and leave on a Friday. He tell me on my last day that it’s so sudden and I said that I can work on Saturday and Sunday. I never dated that but I told him I had training for my new job which he understands.
Fast forward to today, I’m working at an amazing job that values me more. Such a healthy environment that I’m not used to yet. So many good benefits and everyone is extremely nice. We consider each other as family.

Sorry if it’s long, tried to summarize it.

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