
AWOL due to “Policy”

Just ranting over today's bullshit. I was off sick from work today. Only my third period of absence since working there for three years. Once from Covid, once from an accident on the way to work and then today which was some form of throat virus. I kept waking up every few hours and eventually around 7:30 decided I wasn't going to function. I sent a text to both my team leader for the day and the manager who wasn't in but I felt I should inform. Company policy is to call in but it was early and I wasn't really thinking straight due to my health. Both previous times I'd texted in and it was absolutely fine but that was a different manager. I fell back to sleep immediately and was woken up by my team leader saying “Ok bud! Sorry driving right now” and took that as all's…

Just ranting over today's bullshit.

I was off sick from work today. Only my third period of absence since working there for three years. Once from Covid, once from an accident on the way to work and then today which was some form of throat virus.

I kept waking up every few hours and eventually around 7:30 decided I wasn't going to function. I sent a text to both my team leader for the day and the manager who wasn't in but I felt I should inform. Company policy is to call in but it was early and I wasn't really thinking straight due to my health. Both previous times I'd texted in and it was absolutely fine but that was a different manager. I fell back to sleep immediately and was woken up by my team leader saying “Ok bud! Sorry driving right now” and took that as all's good and fell asleep again.

I then woke up a few hours later to an absolute shit storm from the manager. Only a few minutes after I'd fallen back to sleep they'd messaged me asking me to call the team leader not text. Then once the shift had started they'd texted me saying that as I hadn't called I was being marked as AWOL. Then a final text saying I knew the policy. These had all gone unread for a few hours until I woke up.

I sent back evidence that the team leader had acknowledged my text well before the shift start and that I'd not seen my managers texts as I was unwell and fallen back to sleep. She read all this but never replied while the team leader said he is going to try and smooth shit over for me.

My next shift is going to start fantastically. We live in an admin run distopian nightmare.

TL;DR Got marked AWOL for messaging in sick to two members of senior staff instead of calling them after the text was accepted.

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