
Baby’s First Write-Up!

I got a write-up for the first time ever in over ten years of being a worker bee in life because I looked something simple up on the company iPad after I had clocked out because the iPad was on my way out the door and I didn’t want to have to check it, go over the office and clock out, then leave. When my boss was asking me what I looked up, I told a joke, not thinking it was serious. I’ve never had anyone care when I’ve been like “lemme type this in before I leave”or when I’ve seen people bring out a trash bag on their way out the door so they don’t have to walk back into the building to clock out. Turns out, it was a big deal. Looking something up as I’m walking out the door + having my phone in my hand apparently…

I got a write-up for the first time ever in over ten years of being a worker bee in life because I looked something simple up on the company iPad after I had clocked out because the iPad was on my way out the door and I didn’t want to have to check it, go over the office and clock out, then leave. When my boss was asking me what I looked up, I told a joke, not thinking it was serious. I’ve never had anyone care when I’ve been like “lemme type this in before I leave”or when I’ve seen people bring out a trash bag on their way out the door so they don’t have to walk back into the building to clock out.

Turns out, it was a big deal. Looking something up as I’m walking out the door + having my phone in my hand apparently meant I was trying to steal company materials. That was 100% not true. I had my phone in my hand because I was texting a friend to tell her I’d call her once I stepped out. Being accused of theft was literally bamboozling to me.

Part of the write-up was due to my ‘attitude’ of sheer surprise at how serious she was with me about looking something up for twenty seconds. I had joked about her approaching me since I genuinely had never had someone approach me so seriously over something minor. I shouldn’t have joked, I guess. The mood had been fun and upbeat the whole night, so I was in a playful mood. Part of the write-up was due to looking up the name of something on the iPad (which is ‘company material’) while not on the clock. I was deemed terribly unprofessional.

Before you ask, I don’t work in tech or anything fiscal. I don’t work for the government. So there’s no like top secret encrypted national security information. The thing I looked up on the iPad was the name of a song remix used for a performance at my work and I was curious about the name since it seemed familiar. That remix was my place’s privately owned thing technically, but I just wanted to know the base song.

On my write-up, it was indicated that I must immediately leave the premises after clocking out. I can’t make a stop or anything.

So, I had to use the bathroom yesterday right after my normal shift and I decided to stay clocked in. Normally, it’s neither here nor there to me. I walked out of the bathroom and went to clock out. My boss asked why I hadn’t clocked out yet. I informed her I was using the bathroom. She looked a little puzzled and I said, “I’m supposed to leave the building immediately after clocking out, so using the bathroom after clocking out would mean I’m staying behind, thus breaking the rules.”

She didn’t seem to get it. But, the next time she tries to chat about about a work issue or asks me to close a door on my way out or bring in the sign from outside, I’ll say that I have to leave immediately, so I can’t help. My hands are tied, boss!

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