
Back in the office full time after 3 years of working from home…

I want to start off by saying everyone is different and there is nothing wrong with different opinions on work environments – this is just what I’m personally feeling in my situation and am wondering if anyone has had similar experiences, words of wisdom, etc. I got laid off a month and a halfish ago after being able to work from home for 3 years. I loved working from home; I felt it worked better for me with the work/life balance. I took a new job because I need to work, and thankfully it was a raise. Now I have to go into the office everyday again. I have noticed an improvement in some of my mental health and sleeping habits, but I feel more exhausted and the weekends seem to go by so much quicker again. I feel useless at work because I went from the person who everyone…

I want to start off by saying everyone is different and there is nothing wrong with different opinions on work environments – this is just what I’m personally feeling in my situation and am wondering if anyone has had similar experiences, words of wisdom, etc.

I got laid off a month and a halfish ago after being able to work from home for 3 years. I loved working from home; I felt it worked better for me with the work/life balance. I took a new job because I need to work, and thankfully it was a raise. Now I have to go into the office everyday again. I have noticed an improvement in some of my mental health and sleeping habits, but I feel more exhausted and the weekends seem to go by so much quicker again. I feel useless at work because I went from the person who everyone came to at my last job, to the person who is now asking people questions to learn from the beginning. I’m just….tired is the only word I can come up with.

Has anyone else gone through this before? Any advice would be appreciated.

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