
Back to 60+ hours a week

I hate this fucking world. Even if you try and carve out a spot of decency, start your own company, build it up until it can support people, even then, it's a never ending cavalcade of brutality. You'll never be free, you will always be fucked on a whim by people wanting everything from everyone. You'll watch as more laws get passed that favour larger and larger businesses at your expense. You'll fight in increasingly uneven fights, an infinite of goliaths await you. And for what? There's no retirement, no end to the toil, and at best, you managed to, for a brief moment, make an island of humanity. So, back to the 60-70 hour weeks, while fighting on every front to survive. Back to pulling out my hair worrying about the people that rely on me and my little shop, or the dreams that hang in the balance. And…

I hate this fucking world.

Even if you try and carve out a spot of decency, start your own company, build it up until it can support people, even then, it's a never ending cavalcade of brutality. You'll never be free, you will always be fucked on a whim by people wanting everything from everyone. You'll watch as more laws get passed that favour larger and larger businesses at your expense. You'll fight in increasingly uneven fights, an infinite of goliaths await you. And for what? There's no retirement, no end to the toil, and at best, you managed to, for a brief moment, make an island of humanity.

So, back to the 60-70 hour weeks, while fighting on every front to survive. Back to pulling out my hair worrying about the people that rely on me and my little shop, or the dreams that hang in the balance. And all because the already wealthy need to compete with each other over how much they can fucking steal from the world.

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