
Back to Work – Rant

To preface, I have a four month old baby. The job I had prior to giving birth shut down right when I found out I was pregnant and I didn't get a chance to tell them. I was an Influencer and Digital Marketing Coordinator. They terminated me due to “poor performance” even though a coworker of mine at the time told me that it was really because they made no profit and had to close the company indefinitely. During my time with them, my work performance was constantly complimented by the CEO and I was given more duties (and no pay raise) until one day they started acting different. I knew deep down it was the start of being quietly fired and I stopped doing the extra work I was consistently producing, and only did the work that was required of my position. I think that was part of their…

To preface, I have a four month old baby. The job I had prior to giving birth shut down right when I found out I was pregnant and I didn't get a chance to tell them. I was an Influencer and Digital Marketing Coordinator. They terminated me due to “poor performance” even though a coworker of mine at the time told me that it was really because they made no profit and had to close the company indefinitely. During my time with them, my work performance was constantly complimented by the CEO and I was given more duties (and no pay raise) until one day they started acting different. I knew deep down it was the start of being quietly fired and I stopped doing the extra work I was consistently producing, and only did the work that was required of my position. I think that was part of their plan since they could reason my termination with lack of performance.

Anyway, I am on the hunt for a remote job so that I can care for my infant and also bring home a check. I am not the type of person who enjoys doing nothing all day, I enjoy working, but I do not want to work in another place where they don't appreciate anything their workers do, and milk them for all they've got until they no longer need them.

The point of this post is to rant about a job offer I just came across on Indeed. The starting pay is $14.00 – $17.00 an hour and a MASTER'S DEGREE is required! I've seen bachelor degree requirements but not Master's for such a low starting pay rate. Also, the list of responsibilities is longer than most job postings I've come across on Indeed. I am baffled, how they expect anyone with a Master's Degree to agree to that low of a pay rate is beyond me. Is this normal? Why are employers expecting so much without offering anything in return? These are hypothetical questions. I just needed to rant!

They say people don't want to work anymore, but in reality, we don't want to give our lives to a job in return for barely enough to get by anymore.

Crossing my fingers that I can find something in a non-toxic environment with a decent pay. Thanks for listening, this is my first time posting on Reddit.

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