
Background check at new job, didn’t say I’d been let go

So I'd been let go from a job a few months ago. My boss and I didn't have a good relationship: 1) there was constant unpaid overtime – it was normal occurence for me to work 50 hours instead of 40 and yet only get paid for 40, 2) he was unhappy with my performance recently, even though I've always performed my duties to the T – it's a private-owned business, they were on the downturn lately, and the boss liked to blame everyone but himself for his mishaps; to my knowledge, all of his employees took care of their responsibilities and were always professional and efficient. I recently applied to and got accepted for a new job, but I embellished in my resume: I put in “relocation” instead of “fired/laid-off” in the reason for leaving the previous job. They did a background check, contacted my boss, and he told…

So I'd been let go from a job a few months ago. My boss and I didn't have a good relationship: 1) there was constant unpaid overtime – it was normal occurence for me to work 50 hours instead of 40 and yet only get paid for 40, 2) he was unhappy with my performance recently, even though I've always performed my duties to the T – it's a private-owned business, they were on the downturn lately, and the boss liked to blame everyone but himself for his mishaps; to my knowledge, all of his employees took care of their responsibilities and were always professional and efficient.

I recently applied to and got accepted for a new job, but I embellished in my resume: I put in “relocation” instead of “fired/laid-off” in the reason for leaving the previous job. They did a background check, contacted my boss, and he told them that he'd actually fired me, plus badmouthed me and so forth. I'm probably not getting this job now, but I'd like to know: if I remove my past job from my resume, will other companies still find out that I was let go from a job? Will new background checks with new companies now show that I'd previously lied on my resume? I've been previously advised to avoid saying that I'd ever been fired – what do you think about this? I'd really hate for this unfortunate relationship with my boss to affect my entire career moving forward.

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