
Backwards-thinking boomer in my workplace

We have this boomer coworker, Shawn, who manages a department different from the one I work in but we often have to report to him anyways. Today I was almost late and I had to jump out of my car right away and run to the punch in room. (If I am not in before 8:00am and I get here at 8:01am for example the system would register me as punching in at 8:15am and I would need to punch out at 5:15pm) I often do this if I arrive too closely to punch in time but the time it takes for me to get to my car and get my stuff is negligible, maybe 2 minutes at most. My coworkers do this too and we never had a problem the 2 years I’ve been working here. But then for some reason today Shawn decides that he had enough and…

We have this boomer coworker, Shawn, who manages a department different from the one I work in but we often have to report to him anyways. Today I was almost late and I had to jump out of my car right away and run to the punch in room. (If I am not in before 8:00am and I get here at 8:01am for example the system would register me as punching in at 8:15am and I would need to punch out at 5:15pm) I often do this if I arrive too closely to punch in time but the time it takes for me to get to my car and get my stuff is negligible, maybe 2 minutes at most. My coworkers do this too and we never had a problem the 2 years I’ve been working here.

But then for some reason today Shawn decides that he had enough and changed my clock in time to 8:15 am because he saw me run back to my car to grab my stuff after barely making it on time for 8:00 am. He claimed that he warned me before but he told my manager to tell me and my manager never did tell me because he doesn’t believe that Shawn is correct and he does the same thing as me when he’s late too. Shawn says that I am participating in “wage theft” to which my supervisor accused him of using “mean-spirited/offensive language” for. Now my supervisor needs to go to a meeting with the HR and higher ups over this silly incident next week and try to get them to implement a better system. Look who wasted the time of 4 valuable people? Surely the time you wasted is not nearly as much as the time employees take to get their stuff from the car when they are occasionally late. /s

Oh, Shawn also requires us to give sick notes for taking ONE sick day. Nobody in my department regularly takes sick days, we do it maybe about 2 times per year max. One time my coworker had food poisoning and had to line up at the clinic for hours until he got his sick note at 3am. The person who we reported to before Shawn has left for another job already but he NEVER required sick notes for one day leaves and NEVER had a problem with us getting our stuff from the car later to punch in on time. Just a rant. I am so done with Shawn and I’m pretty sure everyone in my department is too.

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