
Bad Job Rant

just a little venting. I work in an IT role and it’s increasingly horrible. I hate IT with my whole soul, but I took the job straight out of college because we were promised career mobility and the company is prestigious. three empty-promise-filled years later, I’m still in the same spot and there’s no way out. There are literally no jobs available for my level or desired role and I keep getting the run around when talking about a promotion and my current role just keeps getting worse – increasingly complex processes, increasingly unrealistic expectations, constantly making unnecessary changes, required to work in the office for no reason, now they’re telling us we may have to start working holidays since no one wants to volunteer for them anymore. I recognize that I’m coming from a place of privilege, so I’m grateful for the circumstances even though they suck. but still…

just a little venting. I work in an IT role and it’s increasingly horrible. I hate IT with my whole soul, but I took the job straight out of college because we were promised career mobility and the company is prestigious. three empty-promise-filled years later, I’m still in the same spot and there’s no way out. There are literally no jobs available for my level or desired role and I keep getting the run around when talking about a promotion

and my current role just keeps getting worse – increasingly complex processes, increasingly unrealistic expectations, constantly making unnecessary changes, required to work in the office for no reason, now they’re telling us we may have to start working holidays since no one wants to volunteer for them anymore.

I recognize that I’m coming from a place of privilege, so I’m grateful for the circumstances even though they suck. but still I wanna cry and run away and bite someone ALL the time. I’m constantly having mental breakdowns, increasingly having physical health issues now, constantly stressed, and I nearly lost my partner because of the stress from the job.

ever since I left college I realized how much I was constantly lied to. I did everything I was told to do since the minute I entered college, up until this moment, and yet I still don’t have results. It’s so hard for me to keep it together and I’m afraid I’m about to crack under the pressure. I want a revolution so bad lol fuck work🥲

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