
Bad manager/ bad staff

Gonna need a little advice on this, So let’s start by saying i have worked for my company for many years, my big boss called me and asked if I would consider taking on a new role at a new location while keeping my old role,( role I have held for 20yrs ) I took this job in jan 2020 in the middle of lockdown, it was a job that Involved traveling to and from a shop and doing work for the shipping department to keep this shop running and money coming in while all everyone else was sheltering at home. So I agreed as I had just lost my mum and had no idea how I was meant to pay bills and function as an adult. Everything was fine, I loved my new role, loved my coworkers and my manager was brill, we all worked together on all things…

Gonna need a little advice on this,

So let’s start by saying i have worked for my company for many years, my big boss called me and asked if I would consider taking on a new role at a new location while keeping my old role,( role I have held for 20yrs ) I took this job in jan 2020 in the middle of lockdown, it was a job that Involved traveling to and from a shop and doing work for the shipping department to keep this shop running and money coming in while all everyone else was sheltering at home. So I agreed as I had just lost my mum and had no idea how I was meant to pay bills and function as an adult.

Everything was fine, I loved my new role, loved my coworkers and my manager was brill, we all worked together on all things and made plans that worked for all of us to achieve our goals, everyone knew what was happening all the time so there were no surprises, things weren’t dropped on us last second and I was turning up to work an hour early to make sure I had all my stuff done and was on top of my work I was really happy and felt valued.

Got a new manager in 2022 and she ruined our work place, me and my co-worker have tried to stand up for our selves but now our manager has tried
to force him to leave by putting him on 3 month probation under the guise of being aggressive to her, ( he never has been but she has screamed at him and left him in tears on several occasions)

but we found emails saying she didn’t want him there as me and him backed each other’s arguments up and stood together on stuff against her. he is now job hunting else where.

And I feel responsible for it and have now taken time off sick, don’t want to leave as my dead mum worked for them.

Anyone got any advice I’m out of my depth and drowning!

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