
Bad weather? That’s snow excuse!

I've been posting little anecdotes about my work life and here's one I just remembered: I worked second shifts 5 days a week and first shift on Saturdays. One Friday evening there was a shitload of snow in the forecast, in fact I was worried about how I was going to get home, sleep, and come back to work in 4-5 hours. As the boss was leaving for that evening he said to me, “With the bad weather coming in, I expect a bunch of people won't make it in tomorrow morning so I REALLY need you to come in, OK?” Mind you, I was in the exact same situation as everyone else, it wasn't any easier or safer for me to drive there. He just figured that the bad weather excuse shouldn't apply to me.

I've been posting little anecdotes about my work life and here's one I just remembered:

I worked second shifts 5 days a week and first shift on Saturdays. One Friday evening there was a shitload of snow in the forecast, in fact I was worried about how I was going to get home, sleep, and come back to work in 4-5 hours. As the boss was leaving for that evening he said to me, “With the bad weather coming in, I expect a bunch of people won't make it in tomorrow morning so I REALLY need you to come in, OK?” Mind you, I was in the exact same situation as everyone else, it wasn't any easier or safer for me to drive there. He just figured that the bad weather excuse shouldn't apply to me.

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