So I've been working for a small company for year now, and in the last month things have hit the fan. Our most competent and senior team coworkers have all left in the space of about 3 weeks of each other leaving me as the senior team member for our role. Another coworker is looking like management is forcing her out which is supremely unfair given how dedicated and hardworking she is.
When the coworker who trained me put in her notice I decided that I'd leave when the new staff are trained, and after my household has moved
The two thin threads keeping me here is that I've been told I'll be transitioning off the phone and be purely admin but our boss talks a lot of shit without following through so I'm dubious and that I'll struggle to find another place with the flexibility this job gives me. I like my 6.5 hr days 3 days a week but every passing MINUTE makes me question if staying an extra month is worth it