
Been at new job for just over 3 months

It's not working out. I've had 3 different managers and was trained by my coworker who started 2 weeks before me. It's just the two of us in my team. We were thrown in the deep end and left to figure things out. It's been a shit show. Coworker has a stick up his ass and needs constant validation and approval, will throw others under the bus to get it. He's also made extremely unprofessional comments to me and has been patronising and condescending from the start (has been documented). I'm about to start looking for a new job. Any advice on how to explain why I was only at this company for a few months?

It's not working out. I've had 3 different managers and was trained by my coworker who started 2 weeks before me. It's just the two of us in my team. We were thrown in the deep end and left to figure things out. It's been a shit show.

Coworker has a stick up his ass and needs constant validation and approval, will throw others under the bus to get it. He's also made extremely unprofessional comments to me and has been patronising and condescending from the start (has been documented).

I'm about to start looking for a new job. Any advice on how to explain why I was only at this company for a few months?

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