
Been having a lot of fun calling my boss on his BS

My boss isn’t the worst boss, but he’s definitely not the best. He has a habit trying to get non-production work done off the clock. I went with it for a while cause I was young and dumb, but I’ve been calling him out on it more and more and it‘s working a treat. He’ll often call me after work (once I’m off the clock) to ask me work questions that really should have been answered on the clock. I used to just eat the time, but now I answer something along the lines of “hold on, let me clock back in”. The after hours call happen less and less. The worst problem came when I was studying for a certification. At first, he set aside time every week for me to study; then he slowly cut my study time down and started suggesting I study at home. Except, he…

My boss isn’t the worst boss, but he’s definitely not the best. He has a habit trying to get non-production work
done off the clock. I went with it for a while cause I was young and dumb, but I’ve been calling him out on it more and more and it‘s working a treat.

He’ll often call me after work (once I’m off the clock) to ask me work questions that really should have been answered on the clock. I used to just eat the time, but now I answer something along the lines of “hold on, let me clock back in”. The after hours call happen less and less.

The worst problem came when I was studying for a certification. At first, he set aside time every week for me to study; then he slowly cut my study time down and started suggesting I study at home. Except, he made it clear he didn’t “like to see timesheets for when you’re not in the office”. Soon, I had no time to study.

A few months pass and he asks how far I am in studying and if I’m ready to get certified. I inform him I hadn’t had any time to study at work in months. When he asked about my time at home, I told my “other job” needs me when I’m home; my other job being my family. I made it clear that if he wants me to study for a work certification, it’ll happen at work. Otherwise, I make no guarantees. It’s been a year, and he had to re-enroll me in the certification process, which cost him an additional $120. This time, he’s been giving me time at work to study. I think he learned his lesson

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