
Beginning industrial work at 6:00 or 7:00 a.m.

Hey, I get it, those of you who drive prefer to start at 7:00 a.m., because you can get up at 6:00, shower, have a leisurely breakfast, and still make it to work on time. Then, you get to leave work early, at 3:00 or 4:00 p.m., and you get just ahead of the traffic Rush so that you can make it home without spending two or more hours in traffic. That's fantastic. But a lot of those businesses depend on temporary labor. As a temp worker myself, I can attest to that. As a temp worker, I make b******* an hour, and I can't afford a car. This means I'm reliant on the transit system of my city. When I lived in Calgary, it was horrible. When I lived in not calgary, it was better, then I lived in vancouver, and it was horrible again, then I lived in…

Hey, I get it, those of you who drive prefer to start at 7:00 a.m., because you can get up at 6:00, shower, have a leisurely breakfast, and still make it to work on time. Then, you get to leave work early, at 3:00 or 4:00 p.m., and you get just ahead of the traffic Rush so that you can make it home without spending two or more hours in traffic. That's fantastic. But a lot of those businesses depend on temporary labor. As a temp worker myself, I can attest to that. As a temp worker, I make b******* an hour, and I can't afford a car. This means I'm reliant on the transit system of my city. When I lived in Calgary, it was horrible. When I lived in not calgary, it was better, then I lived in vancouver, and it was horrible again, then I lived in Calgary, and it was worse, because I forgot how bad it actually was, and now I'm back in vancouver, where it's bad, but not as bad as calgary.

ANYWAYS, if I am to make it to your Warehouse by 7:00 a.m., I either need to wake up at f****** 5:30 in the morning, sometimes even earlier, or, just sleep outside the warehouse doors. Like, I don't know why transit authorities are so reluctant to put bus routes in and out at the appropriate times for people to make it in and out of industrial areas, and I don't know why industrial area industries are so adamant about having to start so f****** early, but there are so many jobs I have had to pass on because they're simply no way in hell I'm going to make it there in time. Most of the time, it's just impossible to make it there if I'm starting from my house. Often times, it's just that I'm unwilling to get up that early, and I fully admit that lands on me, but most of the time, it's because if I don't sleep right outside the f****** factory doors, there's no way for me to actually make it from my house and make it on time.

Thanks for listening to my rant, thanks for coming to my Ted talk, whatever, I just wanted to b**** for a while.

Also, I'm about to start a job for amazon, I'm not sure what it is, I'm still not even sure what I'm getting paid, but I'm a contractor for Amazon starting Monday, and I'm going to have to get up at like 5:30 in the f****** morning to make it there on time. An hour and a half on transit. As an aside, f*** you, TransLink.

Also, apologies for any typos, I did this entirely by voice to text. It's sketchy, at best.

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