
Being a manager means one thing… Manage.

Pre-Covid Been working at this place for 2 years by this point. Had done well over this time. Resolved alot of issues others hadn't. Upskilled juniors, helped seniors all the usual stuff an employer looks for in an employee. Loyal to the brand. Manager leaves. Ok that's fine, was a good dude. New manager starts. This person was a project manager… redflags flying. I was overseas when she started, she txt me a couple of days before I was due back saying she was looking forward to meeting me and have heard big things. Days turn into weeks, weeks months. Manager was doing average at people managing. Calling people the wrong name. Forgetting to do things and otherwise just 5/10. My wife and I decided to have a child. Things weren't going too smoothly for us so had to have tests done and samples taken. You know normal stuff. I…


Been working at this place for 2 years by this point. Had done well over this time. Resolved alot of issues others hadn't. Upskilled juniors, helped seniors all the usual stuff an employer looks for in an employee. Loyal to the brand.

Manager leaves. Ok that's fine, was a good dude. New manager starts. This person was a project manager… redflags flying.

I was overseas when she started, she txt me a couple of days before I was due back saying she was looking forward to meeting me and have heard big things.

Days turn into weeks, weeks months. Manager was doing average at people managing. Calling people the wrong name. Forgetting to do things and otherwise just 5/10.

My wife and I decided to have a child. Things weren't going too smoothly for us so had to have tests done and samples taken. You know normal stuff.

I had an appt at the hospital to “produce a sample” when you are in the process of pre pregnancy things especially talking with friends family and doctors you say things without thinking. For example I told my female manager, I needed a couple hours off to mission to the hospital to provide a sample.

She says, I didn't really need to know that, but that's fine. I went bright red and apologized profusely. She seemed to laugh it off and said it's all good.

A month later get dragged to a meeting with her boss and HR.

We've had numerous complaints from “manager” that you have been rude and disrespectful as well as sexually suggestive towards her. We are putting you on leave until we can have a meeting with the business partners next week.

I had ZERO opportunity to speak. I was escorted out and had my laptop and ID removed.

Week passes I get to the meeting. They open the meeting with their spiel. Already knew how this was going to end. It basically came down to “I was lazy” “I was sexually harassing her” “I was constantly away from the office”

This was literally 2 months after giving me a payrise for going above and beyond.

She refused to be in the same room as me while her manager (a friend of hers that got her the job) did all her dirty work for her.

I got 3 months pay out of them as this was just before covid and to govt was providing aide. Then was unemployed over all of covid.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

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