
Being called into meeting over absence, absence is recovery time from major surgery.

So I've been on sick leave from my job (part time) due to nearly dying and needing emergency surgery. Recovery has been complicated but finally coming out the other end, due to return to work in the coming week. Now been called into a HR meeting to discuss absence and my continued employment, pretty sure its just a meeting to fire me. So my amazing partner has told me to tell them to shove their job where the sun don't shine. Been working on a home business, and now I'm going to have more time to focus on that and push that forward and not have to worry about answering to any bosses. How do these people become managers and lose all their compassion and understanding?! I mean if I could of worked I would of, but my job is labour intensive and I was on strict rest post surgery.…

So I've been on sick leave from my job (part time) due to nearly dying and needing emergency surgery. Recovery has been complicated but finally coming out the other end, due to return to work in the coming week. Now been called into a HR meeting to discuss absence and my continued employment, pretty sure its just a meeting to fire me. So my amazing partner has told me to tell them to shove their job where the sun don't shine.

Been working on a home business, and now I'm going to have more time to focus on that and push that forward and not have to worry about answering to any bosses.

How do these people become managers and lose all their compassion and understanding?! I mean if I could of worked I would of, but my job is labour intensive and I was on strict rest post surgery. So bugger their bottomline, here's to putting money in our pockets instead of the greedy CEOs and shareholders.

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