
Being denied a promotion or a pay rise. Apparently working in ‘great working environment’ should give me enough motivation to work 10 hours a day

I work in a midsize manufacturing company as an engineer (non IT). I was hired straight out of college on subpar terms but I was desperate for a job so I didn’t negotiate and accepted whatever they put in front of me. We have only 2 engineering positions in my plant. 1 is filled by me and the other has been a revolving door since I joined. I’ve seen 5 engineers come and go in just 2 years. It’s the same story every time: they hire someone with no experience in our industry, I end up doing most of their work since I’m their only resource until they quit and then I’m asked to do 2 jobs until they hire someone. A couple of guys accidentally told me their salary which was 2x as much as I’m earning. After the last guy quit, I offered to do a dual role…

I work in a midsize manufacturing company as an engineer (non IT). I was hired straight out of college on subpar terms but I was desperate for a job so I didn’t negotiate and accepted whatever they put in front of me. We have only 2 engineering positions in my plant. 1 is filled by me and the other has been a revolving door since I joined. I’ve seen 5 engineers come and go in just 2 years. It’s the same story every time: they hire someone with no experience in our industry, I end up doing most of their work since I’m their only resource until they quit and then I’m asked to do 2 jobs until they hire someone. A couple of guys accidentally told me their salary which was 2x as much as I’m earning. After the last guy quit, I offered to do a dual role since I’ve been doing it most of the time anyway. Was told they’ll think about. 2 months went by and all I heard was crickets. Suddenly last week they put up the position on LinkedIn so I assumed I’m not going to get a dual role. Earlier this week I asked my boss if I could get a pay rise since my salary has barely changed in two years. Was told ‘the budget is tight’ and working in this great environment should be a good enough reason to continue working here. I got out of his office and started applying for jobs the moment I opened my laptop. I’m done here now. Fingers crossed I get a new job soon!

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