
Being “poor” but being happy…

I’d love to hear from people who have quit their corporate jobs (or other full time soul sucking jobs) to live a more quiet life. Particularly want to hear from you if you feel more fulfilled and happier than when you were high earning. I had the opportunity to get out almost a year ago. I was offered a decent sum (about 8 months on my current high wage – but if I’d been smart I could have easily stretched that into surviving 18months without further income). Stupidly I turned it down and took redeployment thinking job security was more important. I also fear what my family and friends would think, letting go of such a high paying job knowing I’ll probably never have the opportunity to earn this much again (I’m not qualified for anything – fell into this job somehow) So fast forward and the job is hell.…

I’d love to hear from people who have quit their corporate jobs (or other full time soul sucking jobs) to live a more quiet life. Particularly want to hear from you if you feel more fulfilled and happier than when you were high earning.

I had the opportunity to get out almost a year ago. I was offered a decent sum (about 8 months on my current high wage – but if I’d been smart I could have easily stretched that into surviving 18months without further income). Stupidly I turned it down and took redeployment thinking job security was more important. I also fear what my family and friends would think, letting go of such a high paying job knowing I’ll probably never have the opportunity to earn this much again (I’m not qualified for anything – fell into this job somehow)

So fast forward and the job is hell. So much worse than my last role. I feel sick everyday. It’s causing me to become a borderline alcoholic. I work from home so I drink to deal with the stress of it. Worst part is I havent even saved any of the money I’ve earned this year… all wasted on dumb shit like alcohol and take out and who knows what else because I’m just so depressed. What’s the point of earning all this money if I can’t even hold onto it?

Considering quitting and just working a casual job until I can sort myself out but I’m SCARED.

For reference on my living situation –
– I pay no rent
– I have no debt
– my monthly bills are around $600 max

Living frugally i could probably easily get by on casual work. I actually already picked up some shifts at a cafe and expect to make around $300-400 per week there). I currently earn $5000 a month so it would be a significant cut.. but I feel I’d have the chance to breathe.

Everyday I’m so stressed right now that I feel it physically. I actually went to the hospital thinking I had heart attack symptoms but they said it’s stress. I feel myself being awful to be around. It’s affecting my self esteem… I badly want to quit but I fear what people will think.
I also fear I’ll never make ‘good money’ again but if I’m drinking myself to death I guess money isn’t worth it.

What would you do in my position?

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