
Being required to stand 8 hours a day as a retail employee is ridiculous

Mark my words, 30-50 years from now this won’t be a thing. Standing at a cash literally serves zero purpose other than to make us subservient to the higher ups. I have NEVER met a single customer who actually cared if there cashier was sitting or standing. It’s honestly so abusive and dehumanizing If you think about it. Why should my employer dictate how I have to ring people up as long as I get the job done. It’s also telling as you get to higher salaries (bank teller, IT tech, programmers) you can actually sit while doing your jobs. It’s only the peons they make ruin their knees and backs.

Mark my words, 30-50 years from now this won’t be a thing. Standing at a cash literally serves zero purpose other than to make us subservient to the higher ups. I have NEVER met a single customer who actually cared if there cashier was sitting or standing. It’s honestly so abusive and dehumanizing If you think about it. Why should my employer dictate how I have to ring people up as long as I get the job done.

It’s also telling as you get to higher salaries (bank teller, IT tech, programmers) you can actually sit while doing your jobs. It’s only the peons they make ruin their knees and backs.

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