
Being slowly phased off schedule

I’m a lifeguard. I only recently started with a new pools company early summer and it was going great! I was working almost as much as 50 hours during the summer. Starting mid September all guards switched to solely indoor pools. The way my company works they post a bunch of shifts all at once and then you can request to pick up whatever works for you. I’ve never been assigned a shift since working at the company. Usually my picking up shifts has never been a problem and I almost always got accepted and when it didn’t they have a reason. Once the summer season ended there were a lot less options for shifts. During summer I had the option to rotate work at up to 7 pools and indoor pools i now only have 3 Pool options and shifts are a bit competitive but I’m always the first…

I’m a lifeguard. I only recently started with a new pools company early summer and it was going great! I was working almost as much as 50 hours during the summer. Starting mid September all guards switched to solely indoor pools.

The way my company works they post a bunch of shifts all at once and then you can request to pick up whatever works for you. I’ve never been assigned a shift since working at the company. Usually my picking up shifts has never been a problem and I almost always got accepted and when it didn’t they have a reason.

Once the summer season ended there were a lot less options for shifts. During summer I had the option to rotate work at up to 7 pools and indoor pools i now only have 3 Pool options and shifts are a bit competitive but I’m always the first to pick up shifts when they’re dropped. And for the most part I only get 1 – 2 out of like 10-12 that I pick up. I’ve confronted my manager about it and they never give me a clear answer. They only say “I have x shift available” but it’s never a time when I’m available.

It doesn’t make sense I went from a 50 hr week to a 7.5 – 10 hour week. I only have 4 shifts for all of November and had maybe 5 for October. I’m already looking for a second job but I really want this job to work out. The managers are usually pleasant and they are really flexible, I just can’t can never get a straight answer. I’ve asked on 3 separate occasions.

Looking for advice. I tried calling so they couldn’t just not answer but they declined my call and told me to text them. The only reason I can think of is there was a false complaint for a shift with people I didn’t even work with, I tried to explain but again no response.

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