
Being the quietest and most reserved in the company is HARD. Why are the Teams chat spammers the most celebrated and liked? (Vent)

Being my quiet self, it is hard to be the lone person like this and have people thinking I am crazy. I am naturally a quiet person. But to the company, the louder the better. Context: I was hired at the same time as another person. My workload is very independent and self-directed. I do my own thing and that’s it. I make no fuss or noise. The other colleague (quite a bit older) is EVERYWHERE. She transferred everyone onto Teams and created a company social chat. Already a red flag for me. She non stop posts memes, jokes, family things, and now this noise is catching on with other colleagues going the same. She’s already making other channels too: food, music, physical activity. It’s becoming a platform for her and the other staff. I don’t care about the rain storm and broken tree in front of your 1 million…

Being my quiet self, it is hard to be the lone person like this and have people thinking I am crazy. I am naturally a quiet person. But to the company, the louder the better.

I was hired at the same time as another person. My workload is very independent and self-directed. I do my own thing and that’s it. I make no fuss or noise. The other colleague (quite a bit older) is EVERYWHERE. She transferred everyone onto Teams and created a company social chat. Already a red flag for me. She non stop posts memes, jokes, family things, and now this noise is catching on with other colleagues going the same. She’s already making other channels too: food, music, physical activity. It’s becoming a platform for her and the other staff.

I don’t care about the rain storm and broken tree in front of your 1 million dollar home. I don’t care about memes. I don’t care about your cat’s leg. This isn’t in a rude offensive way. I just don’t need the notifications about random things. But the worst part is everyone in the company LOVES her and treats her like God. Whereas I am getting poked and nudged that I am too quiet, I don’t participate, I don’t care.

Im not paid to share. I have nothing to share. I do my tasks then sign off. It’s really annoying that the loud annoying ones are celebrated, and folks like me (and many others on this forum) are ostracized and looked down because we don’t “collaborate” and put effort.

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