
beware of Indeed Job Reviews

I've been trying to post a review of a horrible job that I left a few months ago. I posted a review on Indeed and Glassdoor. Glassdoor posted my review with no issues. However, Indeed has rejected my review three times. I continue to try and revise it to meet their standards, but they keep turning it down. This also explains why Glassdoor has more reviews of this company and a lower rating overall. If you're looking for work, I recommend looking at Glassdoor for reviews as they don't filter as much.

I've been trying to post a review of a horrible job that I left a few months ago. I posted a review on Indeed and Glassdoor. Glassdoor posted my review with no issues. However, Indeed has rejected my review three times. I continue to try and revise it to meet their standards, but they keep turning it down.

This also explains why Glassdoor has more reviews of this company and a lower rating overall. If you're looking for work, I recommend looking at Glassdoor for reviews as they don't filter as much.

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