
BF is going to take FMLA leave but is afraid to tell boss

I'm about to have trochlear dysplasia surgery, which is a major surgery and will mean that I'll be unable to walk for a while. My bf is going to take FMLA to help care for me since I don't have anyone else who can. Well the problem is that my boyfriend works in retail and is going to have to start his leave on Black Friday, of all days (that's the date of my surgery) and will have to be out until maybe about February. The thing is, he's afraid to tell his boss because he's worried she'll fire him. We fully believe that his boss has it out for him, just how she's been treating him the last few months. He's already gotten a write up and has been put on a PIP for something really small and stupid and is the only one being singled out for that…

I'm about to have trochlear dysplasia surgery, which is a major surgery and will mean that I'll be unable to walk for a while. My bf is going to take FMLA to help care for me since I don't have anyone else who can. Well the problem is that my boyfriend works in retail and is going to have to start his leave on Black Friday, of all days (that's the date of my surgery) and will have to be out until maybe about February. The thing is, he's afraid to tell his boss because he's worried she'll fire him.

We fully believe that his boss has it out for him, just how she's been treating him the last few months. He's already gotten a write up and has been put on a PIP for something really small and stupid and is the only one being singled out for that specific situation when there are plenty of other people in the same boat who didn't get the same treatment and don't work nearly as hard as he does.

Point is, he's afraid that if he does get fired that we won't be able to prove that it's retaliation. He's already made his HR rep aware of his leave, but it's his immediate boss that we're afraid of. We're in California so our rent is high and he's the only one working right now due to my injury. If we lose his check, we could basically be homeless. Does anyone have any advice for us? We're really stressing out here

Edit: I forgot to add a few important details
1. I am considered a domestic partner due to the fact that my bf and I have lived together for over 4 years and he has me as a dependent under his insurance for the last year or so, since I have not had an income since 2021 (that’s a different story)
2. This is a worker’s compensation case. I was injured on the job so I am receiving money every month, but it’s not NEARLY enough to cover all of our expenses, or even just rent alone.
3. My doctor recommended that my bf take leave to take care of me, which he researched in front of me and told me what to do. Even if he couldn’t take FMLA, he was going to take a medical leave of absence to help care for me.
4. This is a MAJOR knee surgery, as I’ve been told by my WC doctor AND my surgeon. I won’t be FULLY recovered until maybe a year. Please look it up before you make assumptions about how bad the surgery will be and how long my recovery will take.

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