
Big mood shift in small company

Sorry english is not my motherlangauge. I work at a small mashine building company in germany that has aroud 50 employees. I did my 3,5 years of training in that company and now im and alltogether 6 years working there. In the begining the overall athmosphere was great and people had really fun comming to work and socialise with each others. We have very lax rules regarding private chatter and as long the work is done no one cares. Pay was always a topic and how we are chronically underpaid in a industry that usualy pays more but it was newer a deal breaker till a year ago. After covid the mood got sour very fast and the only topics that were talked about was money and how unhappy everyone was. We even had a meeting with ig metal (german union for metal industry) with all our core employees without…

Sorry english is not my motherlangauge.

I work at a small mashine building company in germany that has aroud 50 employees.

I did my 3,5 years of training in that company and now im and alltogether 6 years working there.

In the begining the overall athmosphere was great and people had really fun comming to work and socialise with each others. We have very lax rules regarding private chatter and as long the work is done no one cares.
Pay was always a topic and how we are chronically underpaid in a industry that usualy pays more but it was newer a deal breaker till a year ago.

After covid the mood got sour very fast and the only topics that were talked about was money and how unhappy everyone was.

We even had a meeting with ig metal (german union for metal industry) with all our core employees without the company knowing but it went nowhere because the company is too small.

Our more proactive colleagues tried everything to bring this situation to attention to our chef and produktionmanager but fell all on deaf ears. The chef seems to not care and the manager cant handle conflicts and just isolates himself from the discussion.

In the end 4 people already left in a span of a month. 2 of them were from the core team with expertise that is hard to replace and more people are getting ready to leave.

Now to me. Im from the core team too but i see that already a week after they left our workflow is dimminished by 70%. Were simply missing people.

The chef wants ro employees new employees via a time working company but we know that hard times are ahead.

Does someone have same experiences in companies they worked in? What am i in for? How will it end?

Thank you

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