
big rant about raise

Bit of a rant and needing some advice. i work at a waitress in a small restaurant, been there for 7 months. my boyfriend works there with my but he’s back of house.i run the front on my own for lunch and open for dinner shift until the boss comes but not a manager. i asked for a raise last week. making $22.70nz (minimum wage) and asked for $25 and hour. (over shooting cause i wanted $24). i was told by my boss that she would need until next week to decide. fast forward to next week my boss asked to talk to be about my wages last night but she asked my boyfriend to come outside to discuss, along with another chef. she literally tells me. “before i start, i know you didn’t ask for a raise but i’m gonna increase your pay by $1” to my boyfriend. then…

Bit of a rant and needing some advice. i work at a waitress in a small restaurant, been there for 7 months. my boyfriend works there with my but he’s back of house.i run the front on my own for lunch and open for dinner shift until the boss comes but not a manager. i asked for a raise last week. making $22.70nz (minimum wage) and asked for $25 and hour. (over shooting cause i wanted $24). i was told by my boss that she would need until next week to decide. fast forward to next week my boss asked to talk to be about my wages last night but she asked my boyfriend to come outside to discuss, along with another chef. she literally tells me. “before i start, i know you didn’t ask for a raise but i’m gonna increase your pay by $1” to my boyfriend. then refuses to go over $0.30 cents for me. she told me that i’m too emotional to get a raise ( WHICH IM NOT. ) said that one time a customer said i seemed tired ( i work there 10 hours a day because she refuses to hire anyone else for front of house.) told me that i needed to be on a 3 month trial period to see if i become less emotional and less tired. ???? i feel like the excuses she made done make sense and don’t have structure because it’s just not true. i have a good work ethic. i got above and beyond with everything i do. i literally cannot half ass things. i guess im just complaining and debating if i should put in my 4 weeks notice and stay to get abused or if i should just never return. if i leave my partner will probably leave too. it just feels really sexist and unfair that she refused to go over $0.30 for me and threw a $1 raise to my boyfriend without him asking

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