
Big wake up call

Two weeks ago I had a heart attack, got out of the hospital a week ago and still have one more week off work. TBH I don't want to go back. I work for a retail outlet, floor supervisor. I requested stepping down to cashier as I have light duty for a while after I come back meaning I can't climb on ladders, do the truck ( I am on aspirin heparin and brlenta as blood thinners bc my blood is extremely thick whatever that means so if I get a cut it can turn bad real quick )lift more than 10 pounds. Heck the night I had my heart attack I was also in pain from kidney stones and still showed up at work. At 8(we close at 9) I messaged the store manager and was like I'm going to have to go to ER I'm 99% sure I…

Two weeks ago I had a heart attack, got out of the hospital a week ago and still have one more week off work. TBH I don't want to go back. I work for a retail outlet, floor supervisor. I requested stepping down to cashier as I have light duty for a while after I come back meaning I can't climb on ladders, do the truck ( I am on aspirin heparin and brlenta as blood thinners bc my blood is extremely thick whatever that means so if I get a cut it can turn bad real quick )lift more than 10 pounds.

Heck the night I had my heart attack I was also in pain from kidney stones and still showed up at work. At 8(we close at 9) I messaged the store manager and was like I'm going to have to go to ER I'm 99% sure I have kidney stones , which I did 2-5mm 1-4mm, and the response was well you have an hour left. I was like ok but I'm not going to be in tomorrow bc I'm hurting really bad and am heading to ER after work I also think I hurt my arm pulling carts bc my left arm is tingling and I can't move it( I'm a literal fumbass this had been hurting for a few days it was a big sign I over looked). I'd really like to go now. Was told well can't close early and no one wants to come in for me.

Luckily I had the heart attack while at the ER.

But now they have turned down my vacation request hat was put in in June for the end of next month. And are demanding not only a Dr release and something from the hospital stating I was really there for xx amount of days , which I have and reasonable. But a list of my medications and what they treat. Is that even legal to ask for that much information bc some of my medicines don't have anything to do with the heart attack. I'm on antidepressants and anxiety meds and dont really feel like those are their business.

However it may be moot bc I put in another vacation request and said I have paid deposits last request date. I will be going weather approved or not if not approved then consider this my notice 🤷.Life is way to short, considering the artery that was blocked and now stented open is usually the one that causes widow maker attacks and I'm fairly young, to much stress, to much work not enough time to eat right or exercise bc who wants to cook when they work 12 hours and who wants to work out after being on feet for that long, but all that is changing my health and family have to come first. I need this beach time with my family.

But the medication list is really bothering me, I'm in Virginia if it matters.

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