
Bleeding money

When you’re looking for work, companies act like hourly wage is going to make/break the books. Then you get in and see how many hours are wasted on outdated processes and technology and you realize the money is there, it’s just not for us. I’m watching these people mull over tens of dollars/month to have PowerBI workspace and shared reports, while the lack of the insights costs hundreds/month in time and inaccuracy. So hourly workers take the hit for ineffective management. The money’s not available because it’s blowing out the windows

When you’re looking for work, companies act like hourly wage is going to make/break the books.
Then you get in and see how many hours are wasted on outdated processes and technology and you realize the money is there, it’s just not for us.

I’m watching these people mull over tens of dollars/month to have PowerBI workspace and shared reports, while the lack of the insights costs hundreds/month in time and inaccuracy.

So hourly workers take the hit for ineffective management. The money’s not available because it’s blowing out the windows

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