
Board (bored) Dinner

*Okay here goes!* (voice of Jim Carrey) I've been working for an Aussie charity for over a year now. Initially I was self-employed but after the CEO practically begged, I agreed to go on as an employee (she cited cost saving goals). There have been numerous issues at the workplace, from bullying to undermining us staffers and lack of practical supports. this means ive had to pay for some work-related travel costs and am owed about $2k in total. This aside, the CEO had a 4 month resignation, which I've learned she was 'tidying up' dodgy financials in the background pre-departure. The 'board' of this place is a joke. Recently after moving I had to buy a car – for the first time ever I asked for an advance on my upcoming fortnightly salary – only by 5 days. I even said just pay me to the date worked today…

*Okay here goes!* (voice of Jim Carrey)

I've been working for an Aussie charity for over a year now. Initially I was self-employed but after the CEO practically begged, I agreed to go on as an employee (she cited cost saving goals).

There have been numerous issues at the workplace, from bullying to undermining us staffers and lack of practical supports. this means ive had to pay for some work-related travel costs and am owed about $2k in total. This aside, the CEO had a 4 month resignation, which I've learned she was 'tidying up' dodgy financials in the background pre-departure.

The 'board' of this place is a joke. Recently after moving I had to buy a car – for the first time ever I asked for an advance on my upcoming fortnightly salary – only by 5 days. I even said just pay me to the date worked today – it was put to the board, and refused. LOL. cool. But you guys can't pay for my accommodation when I'm doing work-related travel? Noted.

Tomorrow night the board is hosting a xmas dinner. It's also the dodgy CEO's farewell. I need this job and the money, and part of my role is managing relationships. So – I HAVE to go – don't I? I won't lie – I'm pissed. I had to take out a personal loan to get this car and it could have been avoided by simply getting my pay even to date worked – not an advance. So, how do I go to the crappy dinner which I LOATHE – and act like it's all fine? These 7 board members are elitist, snobby and rude. They hardly look anyone in the eye and make people feel like paupers. Any advice is welcomed cause I feel like flame throwing my hardwork into the bin and not going at all. I'm just So sick of the hypocrisy and bullsh*t – honestly. It is exhausting. Your advice, experience, wisdom is appreciated and welcomed.

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