
Boomer cant let go of delayed reply

First off Im a millennial and the whole team works from home. Yes I do work from home, and I don't slack; but I do take frequent breaks, restroom, brunch etc, you know normal things you would do in office too. I'd had gallbladder removal still deal with some long-term effects, in other words, sometimes I suffer from diarrhea haha, never told anyone at work because frankly, why would I share this? Anyways, here's the thing, one afternoon I wasn't feeling so well, spent about half hour away from my computer, as soon as I got back and checked team chat, one of colleagues had sent a question the same minute I left my computer. He sent 3 @ with my name attached, and since this day, this guy and his other buddy have been a nightmare. Always tagging me on everything, complaining if I don't emote their message. We…

First off Im a millennial and the whole team works from home. Yes I do work from home, and I don't slack; but I do take frequent breaks, restroom, brunch etc, you know normal things you would do in office too.

I'd had gallbladder removal still deal with some long-term effects, in other words, sometimes I suffer from diarrhea haha, never told anyone at work because frankly, why would I share this?

Anyways, here's the thing, one afternoon I wasn't feeling so well, spent about half hour away from my computer, as soon as I got back and checked team chat, one of colleagues had sent a question the same minute I left my computer. He sent 3 @ with my name attached, and since this day, this guy and his other buddy have been a nightmare. Always tagging me on everything, complaining if I don't emote their message. We have an anonymous feedback system, and they keep spaming with the same complain. I always reply back in a timely manner(within 5 mins, if im not busy with a call) but it seems like they get impatient if I don't reply within a minute.

It has gotten so out of hand, I can't understand what makes them act this way, I don't work for 911, I don't understand why they think I have to be on speed dial for them. I work as dev, it's very distracting when people message you the whole day and you just have to drop everything, I have told them this, but they have taken it to the manager, one of them suggested that I should work from office….what the hell? I just got promoted despise all this, because I'm actually doing well…

Am I wrong on this?

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