
Boomer generation joining the left soon?

So I've recently seen some stories on the way the economy is begining to effect and is expected to effect the boomer generation in coming years. There are a two different groups to talk about here. The first group are those who retired and are seeing their retirement savings burn away much faster than expected and are facing the reality that they are going to have to return to the workforce. Some of them are already in search of work after 10+ years of their retirement and the loss of their housing becoming a real threat. They are finding that the massive gap in employment on top of their age makes them undesirable employees. The second group are those who are still working and were intending to retire but are seeing that their savings are inadequate to retire on so they need to keep working. But due to them becoming…

So I've recently seen some stories on the way the economy is begining to effect and is expected to effect the boomer generation in coming years. There are a two different groups to talk about here.

The first group are those who retired and are seeing their retirement savings burn away much faster than expected and are facing the reality that they are going to have to return to the workforce. Some of them are already in search of work after 10+ years of their retirement and the loss of their housing becoming a real threat. They are finding that the massive gap in employment on top of their age makes them undesirable employees.

The second group are those who are still working and were intending to retire but are seeing that their savings are inadequate to retire on so they need to keep working. But due to them becoming older and less capable employees they are worrying about losing their jobs due to not being able to actually do the jobs.

As their generation continues to age and become less physically and mentally capable of working, it's expected that they will see an increase in poverty, homelessness, and unemployment among their population.

That being the context, here's the thought I had.

With the results of their economic and political decisions finally coming to face them, and with decades of telling everyone else to, “pick yourself up by your bootstraps” and “you are responsible for your own situation”. Its going to be one hell of a ride when we all start seeing a massive wave of baby boomer posts about how messed up the economy is, and have to hear them start pointing out the exact issues we have been for the last two generations as if it's all new and sudden.

Are we going to see them come to our side, are we going to see a, “come to Jesus” moment here from the generation? And if so, are we prepared to accept them coming to terms with it and fight with them, or are we going to just sit back and take some cathartic satisfaction from seeing the protective ball they built around them come crashing down?

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