
Boomer Mom Is Completely Out of Touch With Job Market and Seems to Have No Sympathy For Me

So I'm in my 20s, somewhat recent college grad who had a set back after graduating–two separate surgeries and wasn't able to be employed for almost a year while recovering, but I moved to a different, bigger city with my parents, both for their sake to be closer to my siblings and for mine to find work opportunities. But it took me forever to actually find work I had the skill sets and experience for only for those companies to reject or ghost me. And just when I thought I was running out of options I somehow luckily managed to find a part time job, then soon I get a reply I sent for an application as a freelance writer for a fairly popular website, writing about topics I have a knowledge and passion for. I felt like my luck was changing. Things were going alright for awhile, settling into…

So I'm in my 20s, somewhat recent college grad who had a set back after graduating–two separate surgeries and wasn't able to be employed for almost a year while recovering, but I moved to a different, bigger city with my parents, both for their sake to be closer to my siblings and for mine to find work opportunities. But it took me forever to actually find work I had the skill sets and experience for only for those companies to reject or ghost me. And just when I thought I was running out of options I somehow luckily managed to find a part time job, then soon I get a reply I sent for an application as a freelance writer for a fairly popular website, writing about topics I have a knowledge and passion for. I felt like my luck was changing.

Things were going alright for awhile, settling into both roles, then out of nowhere the freelance job let's me go. I knew it wasn't gonna be a stable long term thing but thought it would last longer as I felt like I was still learning the ropes and the people I was corresponding with where helpful and encouraging, but I guess I wasn't the “right fit” as they put it. I break the news to my Mom and she basically says that's a bummer but something else will come up. I mean I guess, and was relieved she had a “is what it is” attitude about it, but I was feeling discouraged, one because I thought I was doing a good job and the other being it took me so long to find this opportunity but yeah back to drawing board, even though I've been looking at other options while working these jobs and have seen nothing, but whatever just gotta keep looking and at least I have more time to do that.

But apparently I don't have more time because the very next morning, before I've eaten my breakfast my mom goes “so I guess you gotta figure out a plan b since that other thing didn't work out.” I wanted to snap, and my anxiety and lack of confidence is bad enough but she often makes it so much worse with shit like this. I took a moment and calmly said “I know that.” And she said “well you could try this place” (a place that aligns with my college degree) but she knows damn well I sent an application and follow up email a couple months ago and never heard back. But she persisted and said “well they still having postings” and I said “yeah it's probably the same posting from last time” because if they don't reply to applications they probably won't bother to take down their likely fake job posting, it is a legitimate business but they're definitely pulling the old “our company is growing and busy because we have these fake job postings to make it appear that way.” She doesn't understand these things and the concept of companies ghosting even though it happened to my brother with three different companies and he's a well established personal analyst, and her reply to that was “Well how can they do that?”

And another time it happened to me she's actually the one that found the job, it was for this really cool company (that again fit with my degree) but when I emailed to apply I never got an answer and after awhile when I realized I was never going to she kept asking if they emailed back and after telling her no so many times she never brought it again because I'm sure she couldn't comprehend it. I appreciate she was looking but sometimes it feels like she goes back and forth between caring and having zero sympathy, it hasn't even been 24 hours since I got let go, have had basically no time to just step back and think about my options. Also I remember when I found the first part time job she said it was okay to work a part time job for a bit. And I've been working two! But with bad luck I got let go of one and now she acts like it's the end of the world. I'm upset as it is being let go but pestering me the morning after it happens makes it so much worse. I don't mean to sound like an angsty teen rebelling against his mom but I needed to vent to people who understand because this shit is so frustrating.

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