
Boomer work culture is insane

I just can’t stand working with boomers anymore. They completely disregard any concept of personal life or life outside work, forcing 4-5 hours long meetings with only one 15 min break or demanding important things at 4:59pm on a Friday. They also don’t make an effort to keep up with the times and even to this day any simple piece of technology like slideshows are alien concepts to them. I understand that they started off at a different time and during peak hustler culture but young people nowadays generally don’t give a shit about their companies or work that much, given that we are not compensated for our work accordingly. Let us work our 8-9 hours with minimal interruptions and no contact past working hours and I promise we’ll be less stressed and demotivated.

I just can’t stand working with boomers anymore.

They completely disregard any concept of personal life or life outside work, forcing 4-5 hours long meetings with only one 15 min break or demanding important things at 4:59pm on a Friday.

They also don’t make an effort to keep up with the times and even to this day any simple piece of technology like slideshows are alien concepts to them.

I understand that they started off at a different time and during peak hustler culture but young people nowadays generally don’t give a shit about their companies or work that much, given that we are not compensated for our work accordingly. Let us work our 8-9 hours with minimal interruptions and no contact past working hours and I promise we’ll be less stressed and demotivated.

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