
Boss accidentally talked about me in front of me- goodbye cake?

Yesterday, after being in a hostile work environment for 5 years, I turned in my notice. My boss is a contributor to this but I have done my best to be kind because this was a job I wanted to establish my career. As my boss entered the room with another coworker, I was behind my desk reading an email. I looked up, and my boss pointed his head to my desk and said “with her we are going to make a custom cake to rub it in.” This isn’t the first time of course- that he uses a party to make a statement to an employee. 4 people have left and I am next. I would love to imagine this cake was for some other person leaving, but it’s for me. Maybe I need to be less sensitive but I’m worried my last day will be a nightmare and…

Yesterday, after being in a hostile work environment for 5 years, I turned in my notice. My boss is a contributor to this but I have done my best to be kind because this was a job I wanted to establish my career.

As my boss entered the room with another coworker, I was behind my desk reading an email. I looked up, and my boss pointed his head to my desk and said “with her we are going to make a custom cake to rub it in.” This isn’t the first time of course- that he uses a party to make a statement to an employee. 4 people have left and I am next.

I would love to imagine this cake was for some other person leaving, but it’s for me. Maybe I need to be less sensitive but I’m worried my last day will be a nightmare and full of humiliation. There is another coworker leaving this Friday, and they asked me to make the invitation, so I can’t help but feel like they would like for me to know where I stand.

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