
Boss actively denied me upward mobility, lessons learned.

A while back my dream position opened up suddenly and on my day off my boss approached a lower ranked coworker to give them the position before any internal posting was made. When I found out I was upset but also happy for coworker because they wanted it too. I found out today that they had been let go due to performance issues. The project director stated to others very openly that “I can't believe that fliccolo didn't want this position, I wanted fliccolo on my team!” and several from their team let me know this today. I was shocked. I had no idea. My boss implied to the director that I didn't want the job back then. I have a feeling the motivation to do this was to keep me back in my position because I require little to no supervision and am a great asset to the company.…

A while back my dream position opened up suddenly and on my day off my boss approached a lower ranked coworker to give them the position before any internal posting was made. When I found out I was upset but also happy for coworker because they wanted it too. I found out today that they had been let go due to performance issues. The project director stated to others very openly that “I can't believe that fliccolo didn't want this position, I wanted fliccolo on my team!” and several from their team let me know this today. I was shocked. I had no idea. My boss implied to the director that I didn't want the job back then. I have a feeling the motivation to do this was to keep me back in my position because I require little to no supervision and am a great asset to the company. Boss wears too many hats and we are guessing that boss didn't want to put forth effort to train someone to replace me but we have no proof. The lesson here that I wanted to share is to communicate in writing early and often what your goals are and what you want at work so that when/if shit like this happens you have something to take to HR if biased behavior is caught. Who knows what might have happened months ago if I had taken the position and coworker would have moved up one rank instead of 2 that would've allowed their type of “performance issues” more grace to learn and use the systems in place with more confidence to move up the ranks here rather than what happened. Hope this helps someone:)

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