
Boss asked me to do a simple task after I clocked out and I said no. Should I have done it?

I work at a bakery that also serves coffee and I learned from a previous co-worker that I shouldn't clock out before doing the simplest of things like putting a bottle of glass cleaner away. I've adapted that and used it for the first time a week ago. I always ask my shift leads if they need anything else before I clock out to avoid this. I was working with my boss's boss and I checked with her and she I was good to go. She then asked me to turn a light off after I clocked out and was almost out the door. It's the simplest thing she could've asked, but I strictly considered that work that I wasn't getting paid for, and on top of that she kept letting people in after closing, causing me to stay over an hour later than I should've been there. She hasn't…

I work at a bakery that also serves coffee and I learned from a previous co-worker that I shouldn't clock out before doing the simplest of things like putting a bottle of glass cleaner away. I've adapted that and used it for the first time a week ago. I always ask my shift leads if they need anything else before I clock out to avoid this. I was working with my boss's boss and I checked with her and she I was good to go. She then asked me to turn a light off after I clocked out and was almost out the door. It's the simplest thing she could've asked, but I strictly considered that work that I wasn't getting paid for, and on top of that she kept letting people in after closing, causing me to stay over an hour later than I should've been there. She hasn't been with us for long and this was the first time I closed with her. She was only there since a co-worker was sick.

I said “no sorry, I already clocked out.” She looked at me like “wtf really?” All she said was “ok”.

I don't like her much already, I get paid minimum wage, and I have no qualms about finding another job if things go south.

I've told some of my family and friends about it and there's mixed feelings. Some say good job and others say I should've just done it since it was simple and she is the boss's boss. Was I too petty or is this understandable?

Edit: To turn the light off I would've doubled back to where I clocked out. This light in particular was remote controlled.

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